Englers's Junk Yard Crushing out 700 Cars. Located in PA.

It is always a crying to shame to hear stories like this. Pics would be great. Any idea why he is crushing? Is it government pressure or pressure from HOA's that built neighborhoods nearby? This is usually the case behind an old situated yard suddenly smashing everything. It happened to a famous old yard out in California a few years ago. Footage of the destruction is on youtube and its really quite sad. A classic is a classic, no matter the brand. In one video you can see the cars all piled up. Tons of '50s cars, Corvairs (Monzas and Spyders too), vintage '30s and '40s iron, even '55-'60 Plymouths and Dodges (Christine style). In the crushing video, you see a '55 Chevy sedan and a '57 Ford Country Squire destroyed.

there was a famous yard in PA a couple years ago too where a neighborhood was built around this 60+ yr old yard. The HOA people cried foul and forced them to destroy everything. I think it was called Braumbaugh or something. I remember the only cars saved were a '71 and '73 Challenger and even those were iffy.