maximize shift points

After looking at the dyno sheet, the main issue I see is the big rpm drop from the 1/2 shift with the 200R4. Depending on how the converter works out, I can see another 500 r's on the 1/2 shift to get you even close to the torque peak. Probably 6200 on the 2/3 is close also. As long as the bottom end can take it, i'd bump the shift points "higher" to see how it works out.

What i'm looking at is, if you shift the 1/2 at 6k, mechanically, you'll drop back in the 3400ish range. If you still have some converter slip there, you may be fine. If the converter is pretty much locked at that point, you will have to pull your way up to and past your torque peak. Hence why i'm potentially recommending the higher shift points.

Just my opinion. Good Luck next time. :thumbrig:

you mean 700? the 200 has the same shift points as a 904