Meet my Daughter.... This is her Story..

Prayers sent her way.

And if I had anything to spare at the moment, I wouldn't hesitate to donate something either (sadly, like many, I'm constantly broke).

I've been there, and survived Lymphoma (still have the scars where they removed lymphnodes too, looks like I received a Russian Necktie or tried to slit my own throat). It was over 15 years ago. I didn't get the second condition that she's suffering from though. All I remember was the doctor telling me to go home and do nothing, just rest. Screw that, using every ounce of energy I had, I went outside and did a top end rebuild on an ATV engine, made it back to the house and passed out. Did that kind of daily routine for a while, until I had the energy to put in a full day.

The biggest thing with any serious condition, don't listen to anything negative and keep on fighting for a brighter tomorrow, even if someone else tells you otherwise. You'll prove them wrong, every single time! :glasses7: