how many ft lbs of torque for power valve?

I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I need to put the Wheaties down, I don't know my own I have had some that probably took that much to get them out though. :D

Come to think of it, I probably have put a little too much on them from time to time. I always had this anal thing about getting the window type valves to line up with the channel restrictors if possible...:banghead:

I understood exactly what you meant. 15-20 LB FT is NORMAL light load stuff. Kinda ABnormal to even think about torquin a PV. LOL

I will say this for your caveman approach.....I've torn down hundreds of Holleys where the PV was finger tight. From the gasket compressing over time I am sure, but if you tighten them good the first time, that won't happen. lol So TIGHT probably won't hurt a thing.