Collapsible steering column options ?

but if you can get a car to stop really quick without it locking you indeed have better brakes, and to do that consistently is why rotors are better
You haven't explained how disks brakes are better at getting to the margin of skidding than drum brakes. Granted, if the L & R brakes aren't matched, one will skid first, plus you will feel the car pulling to one side. People say that is more common with drum brakes, but I have never felt it. I am sure if they are poorly maintained that could be true, like grease on the shoes or the fwd & aft shoes are mixed up.

The best way for the ordinary driver to brake at the margin of skidding is to have anti-lock brakes. However, studies have shown that many drivers don't use anti-lock brakes properly. When they feel the pedal pulsing, it feels like something is broken so they lift up. You must train yourself to jam the pedal hard and hold it despite the weird feel of the pulsing. Try that on a wet parking low. Since we no longer have Driver's Ed in CA schools, kids get taught to drive by their clueless parents. Since they don't know what to do at a stop sign here (they wave hands and other strange signals), I doubt they know how to brake properly.