check this out !! get it while it's hot !

The one I wanna get is this creepy lil pig whos always hangin around my best friends lil sisters (my sisters pretty much) and is always creeping them out and harassing them. I have threatened to stomp him twice now, but he knows I cant cause Im almost 20 and he is stil 17. Id love to ship one of those combo packs to his door.

Man when he turns 18 his @$$ i mine.:finga:

screw the age difference, just beat his own **** out of him ..... then mail it too his house !!!

When I was your age I never thought twice about what the other persons age was. If they needed an *** kicking, that's exactly what they got ! That's why kids are so bad today, nobody has the guts anymore to beat the crap out of them...