Warmed-over 360+16 year old=too much?

In general I was a mild mannered kid. But still did a lot of crazy stuff behind the wheel. Should be dead a few times over. No way I would hand and serious power to young male.

funny, our posts are almost mirror images in time and message - must mean something :)

Exactly! My dad told me, "If you blow up the slant six, maybe we will put a 318 in it. Otherwise, you can wait til you are 18." He knew I wouldn't be able to blow it up...I tried. I was alot like him, a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and he saw it. Thank god.

Yes, too much. A 360 plus testosterone is giving him a deadly weapon. How would you feel if anything happened to him? He's too young, someday when he has a son he'll understand.

I agree. Even a stock 360 is too much. He likes to tell me how fast he went down this hill, or around this bend, on his bicycle. I worry my brown hair away when he is out on his bike. I trust him, but, crap happens. I don't like gambling.

I started out with a Daisy Red Rider. I got a .22 when I was older. Next was a .30-30 past from father to son.

When I was old enough and responsible enough to buy my own rifle, I got a .300 win mag.

That same basic plan should be followed with teenage boys and cars.

Good comparison, I actually read it to him, he understood.

I totaled my first vehicle, an A100 with a 6/auto at 17 years of age. When you're young you do stupid, reckless ****. If you're lucky you live to talk about it. My parents always had big cars like Electra 225s and New Yorkers, so I learned to drive in powerful cars, but I didn't drive their cars recklessly because I would've got my *** kicked if anything had happened. Six weeks after getting the A100 I hit a telephone pole because of driving fast through deep water to make it splash and lost control. Since I was wearing my seatbelt I walked away from it instead of being seriously injured, very lucky that night.

You don't need a lot of power to get in trouble, but it will get you there quicker.

I used to do the same stuff in my dart, I have accidently gone through yards, in ditches, you name it. In the end, it helped to make me a better driver because I learned what NOT to do, but had any of those times been a little different...and it could have been more than just MY life lost.