check this out !! get it while it's hot !

The one I wanna get is this creepy lil pig whos always hangin around my best friends lil sisters (my sisters pretty much) and is always creeping them out and harassing them. I have threatened to stomp him twice now, but he knows I cant cause Im almost 20 and he is stil 17. Id love to ship one of those combo packs to his door.

Man when he turns 18 his @$$ i mine.:finga:
There are plenty of ways to put a hurting on a pervert without leaving any marks or evidence that you were ever there..If it were my little sisters or even my sisters friends I would have the guy for lunch. Confront him and when he gives you attitude shove him he will come back swinging to be a big man, Then you kick the $hit out of him in self defense..Where is your best friend in all this?? When does he turn 18? Hopefully when you confront him he is smart enough to take heed and move on...Bill:violent1: