Sometimes, bein' a bachelor is ungood LOL

I don't know about "exploding beer" in the freezer, but here's a story about a former friend's dog

"Herb" had this absolutely obnoxious dog, a lab / setter mix that was so hyper it was incredible. Herb was just as obnoxious

I had not been out of the Navy long, (about 76) and still had some junk stored in my old "ham shack" up at my folks. With it was some beer that had been in the landcruiser over winter.

Herb, the dog, and some friends and I stopped by Mom and Dad's to get some things out of the shed, and there was the beer, bloated from freezing. Herb started "playing ball" with a can of beer at the dog. "Chump" the dog discovered "I really like" this stuff inside this can after biting through one!!!

So from that day forth you COULD NOT leave a can of "anything" around that dog. Herb would come home with groceries, and if that dog got hold of tomato soup or whatever else, that damn dog would have holes in that can!!!!


Unrelated, at some point Herb bought a re--po-ed boat from a finance co. He was going to clean it up and flip it before "flip" was a word. So he had it in his yard up on blocks. To get into the boat you had to stand on top of a 6 ft step ladder and then at about waist height, hoist yourself over the side. So it was probably 9 ft from the ground to the gunwhales.

Anyway, I stopped by one day, Herb hollered from the bowels of the boat, and I crawled aboard to inspect the overhaul.

There was Chump, sitting there on the ground. Now, Chump LOVED to ride in whatever you were in or on, if you made the mistake of using the word "ride" in a sentence. If you were on a bike, chair, porch, picnic table, didn't matter, the "R" word triggered a huge red dog attempting to mount you and "it."

So I look at Chump and he looked at me. "Go for a ride?" I said, and Chump was IN THAT BOAT. Herb came up from the cabin and accused me of hoisting him into the boat. So Herb threw Chump out of the boat and called him back to prove that he could or not!!!