Jury duty

Guess I've been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've been called fourteen times and served on a half-dozen trials, one civil case that lasted three weeks. I was called to serve two week tours three times, and got out of a fourth only because I had finished the last tour two weeks earlier.

During my first call, one woman I talked to was 75 years old and it was the first time she had been called. My wife is 65 and has only been called five or six times, and has never been selected for a jury.

When one judge asked me during voir dire questioning how I enjoyed my previous jury selections, I told him I had seen a lot of law being practiced, but precious little justice being dispensed...I was dismissed. The whole process is a wealth redistribution gimick and lawyer employment program. The sad part is that it's the best system in the world.

FWIW, and from what I saw, drug use accounts for about 80% of trials in superior courts.

Thankfully, I'm now old enough that I don't have to serve again.