The perfect girlfriend, 35 years too late, LOL

I am going to do what a lot of FABO guys should do ...and it would sure solve a lot of problems...... Im going to make a tuxedo that fits over my dart and marry my car.

if more fabo guys had a wedding dress made to fit their cars and do the same thing would sure be a happy world problems

at least, when a car don't start or has issues, it can be fixed ....humans are a lot harder to fix issues with and its usually not worth it....sometimes people can the most horrible creatures on the face of the earth so why shoot yourself in the foot and give up your freedom to one, especially one that could have mental hang ups that work against you.

when I get my own house im going to build one that has a door to bring the car into the living room and when I get home from work......(no rush to get home and make someone dinner) I am just going to kick my shoes off and don't care where they land......where comfortable clothes in the house and get on FABO and never be in a rush to have to be anywhere or do anything. have a stack of mopar muscle next to the toilet and various locations in the house...and have BBQs whenever I feel like it and be happy ....who says being a bachelor/bachelorette is bad.....yeaaaaa