broke. so I'm working on some white faced gauges for my 66 dart

Looks great...nice always amazes me how people can do really nice work on a low budget.....

On the wife topic, I would have to agree
I've always laughed at guys who say there wife cut the budget...Without my paycheck there would be nothing to budget in the first place.....

Reminds me of a funny thing a guy at work told me about his power struggle at home with his wife....LOL

One day they got into it, and he said to her "do you see those pants on the floor there?" (pointing to a pair of his jeans on the floor)......she said "Yes".....He said "well those are my pants and I where them in this family".....She said, "well do you see those pants" ( pointing to a pair of her pants on the floor)....He said , "Yes"......She said, "well you won't be getting in those pants anytime soon".....LOL