Attn Moroso Valve Cover Owners!! 911 -- Please Read!


As I replied to Aaron on your post on facebook, all I asked is if you could have contacted me first. Then you could have posted the pictures publicly. I don't disagree that this should be public, but it should have started privately. Like I said, I should not really even need to be posting. You could have gotten the info from me and posted it with your pics, and warned everybody correctly instead of the way you did.


Why are you so concerned that she didn't warn you that she was going to post the pictures. You should have known that when it was first posted on Facebook.

The way I see it is if YOU let the defect get out of your company, then it is fair game for public forum. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS TO PROTECT YOUR COSTOMERS???

Why was this defect not caught at your manufacturing facility? There should have been some sort of error proofing or inspection for this (or both) to make sure that it did not get out of your factory.

When you set up your tooling for making the part, why didn't you put an inspection or poke yoke to detect this and protect this from getting to your customers? Your company has made many parts, and should know how to protect for this. When you set up your tooling for making the part, why didn't you evaluate what could go wrong with that punch (that made the hole), and make sure that it didn't get out.

Or did your employees see the defect and bring it to "management" attention, and they just told them to "run it anyway"????

Did the punch get worn and you just did not want to take the time to change it and kept running them anyway (profit before quality)???

Why wasn't this caught in final inspection before packing/shipping?

Now you are attacking Leanna for letting us know about it. She's doing the right thing warning us about this so we can fix it before it does harm to our engines.

Why are you so upset that she told us? Were you just planning on ignoring it and let it destroy someone's engine? It seems like you are more concerned with getting egg on your face than protecting your customers.

You know damn well, that if you shipped these to one of the OEM manufacturers, their Supplier Quality would be up your a$$ making you come in and sort all stock for the defect, establishing a clean point, and quarantining all of the defective stock and shipping it back to you to correct/scrap. Not to mention a hit on your quality rating that if a couple more happen will affect you getting future business from that company. We as aftermarket individual customers don't have that kind of authority.... So many companies ship their crap to the part stores for us to deal with...

Maybe you should hire Leanna as she did a better job of catching this than everyone who worked for you and handled this part and did not catch it....

You should not get mad at Leanna for trying to protect us. She has a right to let us know about issues she feels are important for us to know. If you didn't want this to get out, then you should have contained it between the four walls of the factory that made the junk.... Once you ship it to the public, it is fair game to spread the word. If you did your job properly, you wouldn't have to deal with this.

So, what are YOU going to do to protect your customers from this breaking off in their engines and causing damage? How did this get out of your factory without getting caught? What error proofing or inspection was in place to catch this?

Don't blame Leanna for exposing your problems. You should have not let that get out in the first place....