Anyone have actual experience with weber DCOEs on a slant?

Well, the choke size is the first big issue. The carbs came to me with 30mm chokes, which are about right for a very small engine, like a 170 or smaller.

According to the weber formulas, I should be running 36mm or 38mm chokes to make power up to 6,000 rpm. That means a 45 DCOE, since the largest choke available for a 40 DCOE is 36 (which flows no better than a 34mm choke).

Anyway, I got a set of 34mm chokes and I'll try them. According to the Weber formulas, they should run out of breath at 5,000 rpm.

The other issue is emulsion tubes - the carbs came with F11s, which are right for a very small engine. The Cobra guys are using F5s and F7s, and one book I have recommends F2.

Luckily I was able to rebuild the carbs without needing any new parts-- none of the gaskets tore and the needle valves were in good shape.

But I did have to get the 34mm chokes, larger main jets and bellmouths. They are very expensive to set up.

Next I have to sort the linkage - the setup that was on them was really mickey mouse.