First burn out

I have to wince. When you go to some car shows and they're pouring
water, some poor car with skinny tires and a single-track rearend is
straining against the brakes and the RR tire is spinning about 10 mph.

Anything will do a burnout with water and line-loc or power braking.

When you can punch it at 20 mph and do a dry rolling burnout like
an alcohol funny car.....then you got something.

It wasn't my intention to start anything with you all I forget sometimes how big this sight is and assume that people here have seen my build here in (members restoration) but I was a little on the offensive about my burn out again assuming people knew my story. So we will leave it at that and say a huge ( burn out ) to come as for the tires being wet couldn't avoid that I'm in kansas and it was 30 degrees and raining the day befor so had to go threw mud puddle to get to the concrete and I assure you it is a 4 speed