Have the code Nazis hit on your car?

It may seem invasive. I dunno, though. I've also had circumstances with other code enforcement agents who I felt were only doing their job and had no problems complying.

It's been well over a decade since I've last had any code issues with anyone. I keep my stuff out of sight, even though I'm on a property that allows it, because I don't like people messing with my stuff.

There is definitely a difference between falling in disfavor of ruling and being bullied by code enforcers. I've experienced both.

The last place that I had paid for storage was a bit of a joke at the end. The guy was remodeling the garage that I was renting, broken glass all over my cars, missing windows, etc. He was working on the house after purchasing it from the owner that I was a contracted tenant of, under lease that he told me he was cool with keeping until I found something else.

I paid him every dime I owed him in the end, even though I wasn't happy about the conditions when I left and it didn't really pan out in my favor. I still think he's a nice guy and I have no hard feelings, even though the conditions of the storage area was unacceptable by my standards. I knew that he was getting the property updated, didn't mean any harm by his work, he didn't steal anything and was willing to work with me.

I'm pretty laid back when it comes down to it. The best thing you can do is know your rights and stick to them. If you want to step up and contest, even if it doesn't go to court, just be sure you have the right to. That's always worked out for me.

I've put it behind me with a decent property zoning in the last two places I've lived.