2 paint or not to paint

Thanks for all the advice guys. i will most likley run it one more year as is thanks


Good idea. Paint jobs are very expensive!!!

BTW - Your 2 threads got me thinking. I have never purchased refinish paint to date. I get my paint from close connections to two major paint companies. I will add; I don't paint very often (anymore) , just my own stuff and my family's vehicles. After reading all the paint related comments on how expensive paint is today I decided to find out for myself.

Just for chits and giggles I called up the local auto refinish store and asked the counter guy to price out some Chrysler Intense Blue BC/CC, enough material to do a complete respray on a midsize car. Wow!!! I'm glad I didn't ask for a price on Viper Red !!!! ....Man, that stuff is freakin expensive!!!

Bottom Line; I can see why you guys and girls are complaining about the high cost of a decent paint job these days. I would also!!!
