Anyone have actual experience with weber DCOEs on a slant?

I had a triple SU manifold for a while, but I went with Weber carbs because they are easier to get tuning parts for. I had a Mini with an SU and tuning it to be spot on was a real pain. Also when they get some wear they go out of tune easily. Webers/Mikunis are "set it and forget it".
webers do not wear out - they have ball bearings on the throttle shafts, and every tuning part is easily available.

did you replace and top off the oil properly? i had SU's on my 72 Z and i pulled that car out from under a tree, only thing i did was air up a tire and somehow it started. then got it home and did a tune up, adjusted the carbs and never had to touch them even before i sold it a yr later.

now if you had 4 screws i understand lol