Bad morning. Break in again

Some folks are truly pond scum, no pun intended... Have a neighbor whose husband is working in another state right now. Between us & them is Tent boy, aka Kilt boy. Tent Boy & his wife have no jobs....and obviously live in a tent. With an infant and a toddler...and a wood burning stove....and no water/electric or toilet...Anyhow, they have a friend living on there rented lot in another trailer. This friend has the hots for the other neighbors husband. Has been told a few time to just stay off of there property. Well, a short while back this woman vandalized some of there stuff. These folks put up a camera. Troublemaker woman made another pass at this guy...and of course got rejected. So what does troublemaker do......again??? More video taped vandalism....Moral of the story....cameras are only good after the fact.....they will not keep away a true scum bag....Hmmmm....have a question for anyone willing to take a shot at answering it....if you do not have indoor plumbing how do you teach your children about using the crapper?? At this point is it not similar to housebreaking a puppy? Wow...did I just type that?