Any railroad employees?

Are there any railroad workers on this site? Especially conductors or train crew. I am considering a career change and have always though it would be an interesting job.

I do not know anything by my Rail company. Though retirement is the same nation wide for RailRoaders. We do not pay Social Security. Instead we pay into RailRoad retirement. A separated fund from SS. The rate is very high vs. SS and so is the payout. It is close to being taxed by the Feds. twice. It makes the final net pay a bit lower than you would expect. There is a cap to the amount in which you pay into yearly. But it is very hard to make the cap.

Depending on the RailRoad you work for, the amount of work, location and hours change per job. I can only speak about my company as will do so in short.
Though N.Y. City is a bit of a trip and one hell of a life style change. PM me for info about it.

The few things I'll say about my company on this public board is;

Excellent bennifits, retirement. The make sure you work 40 hrs.
Fair to very good working conditions. (Part of town dependent)