Another school shooting!! This time in Nevada

This is what happens when parents can't spank their kids.

if that teacher had a firearm, it would have ended differently.

I agree on both accounts. Discipline is a thing of the past, now people can't even so much as point at their kid without someone stepping in. When I was a kid, if I did something bad, I got the belt or paddle (or if I was at my grandfather's house, he'd make me go pick out the Switch). Even then it was starting to get ridiculous as far as discipline (in terms of legality) went, but now all of that is a thing of the past (sadly)

I also think teachers should be allowed to carry, as a means of protecting themselves and their students, but also the preventive status it would give. Not many would even think of trying something, if they knew they were going to be blown away as soon as the chaos began.