What happened to beehive springs?

Beehive shmeehive. They weren't around when Landy, Sox and Martin, Glidden, McCandless and the like were winnin races and settin records. hooha I say. lol

Besides all that, all my stuff from here on out will be strictly street . So I will be happy as a lark with slow, lazy old school ramps that conventional springs will be just fine on. Argue with that dammit. lol
ur wrong! hoover recommended them back then. sox`s barracuda had them on at tulsa, when he match raced(and won 2 out of three) against bill jenkins. they highly recommended checking multiple sets, and picking the best ones,seems that there were quality problems w/ the wire the spring manufacturers were buying. and yes, we had them on the hemi when we set the ahra record in 1977, w/ one broken on # 5 cyl.---bob