Best PM ever ... my old coronet is being revived !!!

And to top it off your putting a HEMI under the hood ! nice ! ..... What are you doing with the 440 that was in the car ? .... If you need info on anything just give me call.. That trans was built just before I sold it, very good unit ...

by the way, please keep those stickers that are on the L/R window. They are old ! The TMC one is our clubs first logo, from the mid 80's... The Ed Miller one is older than that I think, when he saw it he was shocked to see it still on a car ! If you don't want them, remove carefully and send to me !!

glad to hear I made your day better. Car was/is way too solid to part out.
The hemi is an after thought. I want to run the car with the 440 first, to sort it out. I will more than likely keep the 440 for another project when and if I take it out. Car needs a roll cage for the hemi any way.
Still have to buy some new Cal Trac parts to replace the bent ones, shock plate, leaf spring, and shocks.
The old stickers will stay on the car as long as I own it, as I am Old School lol
I'll give you a call soon to ask a few tech questions.