latest saga with the suburban

Well my wifes 1999 Shitburban has been mysteriously losing coolant from the cooling system. Could never find a puddle under it ever. Then the radiator blew 6 months ago. I buy a new one off evilbay. This fixes this leak. The side tank seal was bad. Plastic tanks cant fix, gotta replace. Well its still losing coolant, just slower but its going somewhere, still no puddles under it, no white smoke in the exhaust either, or oil and water milkshake.

So i meet my wife and kids after work for dinner tonite. We r coming out of restaurant , and the suburban is leaking a huge puddle of antifreeze right under where the water pump is. So i top off the rad, put the cap on loose, and send her and the kids home.

I go get a new water pump for it, and have to rent a special tool to remove a big freakin nut that holds the fan assembly, and pulley for the pump on. So what was wrong with 4 small bolts to hold on the pulley and fan. Car companies did this for years.

I bought the cheapo pump with a 1 year warranty because i plan on kicking this piece o crap to the curb by next september. Wife and i have been saving our money for a dodge caravan.

It must be said i have been chasing various water leaks around this thing for the last 2 years. I hope this is the end of it for awhile.