anyone suffer from trigger finger?

I have some issues with trigger finger myself. Both hands in all the fingers cept the thumb. But my right hand obviously worse than the left. It's been fairly mild lately, but with winter coming, I'm definitely gonna notice it being more common incidents. It does really hurt like a ***** though. When I was working at the junkyard, I was helping another customer on one of my off days pull a transmission. I ended up sticking my hand on top of the trans to turn a socket and extension to get the top bellhousing bolt. My hand ended up locking up nice and tight on top of the transmission. I pretty much had to rip my hand off the extension and dragged my knuckles against some nice jagged metal. Hurt like hell. I've found one thing that causes my joints in my hands to do it more often and just be in general really achey is red meat. I try not to eat it alot, if I eat it several times over a week, my hands will be killing me and seem to wanna get stuck more often.