Another seat cover replacement

You can do it yourself and use whatever material you want. The goal is to have a professional looking result.
Wish I had a nickel for every ebay add I've seen that stated "new Legendary seat covers" along with pics of a half arsed install.
Any seat skins ( especially vinyl ) needs to fit tight as a banjo string and require a good bit of labor to attach. Otherwise you will have wrinkles.
Molded foam buns dont have sharp corners. Anywhere the bun is shaved to fit will get a layer of muslin fabric glued over to smooth those edges created. You could put a lot of hours into creating foam buns from scratch.
Fiber batting is much more conforming.
The OEM batting is a stack of layers with thread tacks holding them together.
I cut the tacks, separated the layers, sprayed each layer with febreeze, restacked arranged in a way that leveled the worn areas, then added a layer of polyester batting for good measure.