My, how things can snowball!!!.....

Soooo, I finally decided to do something about the trans leak in my GTX!! Only going on about 5 years now, several pan and gasket changes, a new set of lines, an "O" ring on the dipstick tube and still leaking! Must be the shifter pivot seal!! No problem my buddy says..."ill help and we"ll get it done, and we can put in that new converter you've been putting off also"!! Sweet, that is until...

The trans has to come out cause it won't go back enough to clear getting the converter out!! Why?..oh, because of the "X" pipe!! Ok, drop the exhaust, its hitting on the floor anyway from twisting because of all the burnouts we do!! Oops, trans is wider than the space between the pipes, which are pinned in between the torsion bars!! Ok, we get the clearance by dropping ALL of the exhaust and slide the trans back. It works!!!...get the converter out and decide to replace the pivot seal in place, take the valve body out and uh oh!!!...not a bit of friction surface on the band!! Now the trans HAS to come out, AND be rebuilt!!

Final tally?? One pivot seal=one new trans mount, rebuild the trans, new U-joints, exhaust gaskets, fluid, oh and the starter is the original to the car so a new mini starter!! Cost??...about $600 in parts!!! Now that's an expensive seal!! Lucky I got the converter for $25.00 or I'd be singing about the price of that also!!

Ok, rant over, wallet empty, and another week before I can pick up that sweet little 74 Dart parts car for y'all!! Sigh!!!