not sure what to do

Only you can make this decision. You say "my money for a toy is limited" and this could be a huge problem. If you cannot physically do repairs, obviously you'll have to pay someone, and labor can add up at an alarming pace, especially on an antique/ classic where you cannot just run down to the parts store and get parts off the shelf

In my own case "I'm beginning to wonder." I'm in the midst of a constant downfall of health, and working on my car is outright painful. In fact, just sitting here TYPING is painful. If it were not for the loader on the tractor (lifting and moving stuff) and the 2 post hoist to get the car up I would not be able to anything at all.

On the other hand........if you have other skills that you can trade, maybe you can find another "car guy" and trade some of your skills for some of his work.