anyone suffer from trigger finger?

No, not on anything. Dr said it can come from constantly gripping things, power tools, hand tools etc.

Yeah, That's what my Doc said, too. I played around with getting shots in my hand every 6 weeks or so (one shoot in each of three fingers, every 6 weeks). that was like torture. lol Very painful, and really doesn't fix anything. I discussed it with my doctor, made some space in my calendar and had the surgery done. It was a "out patient" deal. First day or two after the operation sucked, especially since it was my right hand, and I'm right handed. Ring finger, index finger and thumb all on the right hand.
After that thinks got better. You'd be amazed at the "new skills" you learn when your dominant hand is essentially useless, especially in the bathroom! lol

Don't play around with it, too long. It might go away for a while, but it always seems to return, and with a little more vengeance each time.

Nite Moves said
I see patients all the time with this. Fix it.........Cortizone is temporary if it works at all.
Bingo. :thumbup: