How much did it cost you?

I’ve been looking for a reasonable price Duster for awhile, something to tinker with. I’ve been scared off of a couple because of the needed body work and the perceived cost that accompanies it. Now, I know you can’t get into many reasonably priced 70-73 Dusters without them needing some kind of body work, I get it. The fact is I do not know what kind of money this stuff could run into; I just believe that it could add up faster than my wife may be able to tolerate. So, what sheet metal have you guys had replaced/repaired and what was the associated cost? I know everyone’s situation is different and I do not expect my situation to replicate anybody else’s. I’m just interested in the what and how much as a way to determine just how close or far off my assumptions may be, thanks.

I appreciate everyone’s insight and participation in this thread. Unfortunately, for me, nobody has really revealed the specifics I was seeking. I’m not looking for overall cost to restore your cars. I was seeking the specifics as to what sheet metal (i.e., quarters, rockers, floors, trunks, etc.) you had replaced and the associated cost to have the work done. Additionally, if you are one of the lucky ones and can do and have done your own body works what would you have charged somebody else to do the same work?