In need of mentor.

I texted the PO about it, here's the convo...

Him:You are supposed to flip the trans insert over to lower that side of the engine, i had a hard enough time getting the new insert in the right way that i wasnt about to try it flipped

Me:Oh so it's just the insert?

Him: Yep and its a tight fit

Me: So it doesn't affect anything or wear anything out quicker how it is?

Him: No it doesn't. all I had to do was cut that part of the hood out to make it fit, the mounts are in there the way its originally supposed to be so to last as long as it always would have

I am old school... There is the correct way and then there is some other way that requires modification of something else to make it work. Personally, I would get it done the correct way and have an unmodified hood that won't give issues later. Got a buddy that works on works on cars that thinks baling wire, duct tape and hose clamps will fix anything. I make decent money repairing what he fuches up.