How much did it cost you?

I appreciate everyone’s insight and participation in this thread. Unfortunately, for me, nobody has really revealed the specifics I was seeking. I’m not looking for overall cost to restore your cars. I was seeking the specifics as to what sheet metal (i.e., quarters, rockers, floors, trunks, etc.) you had replaced and the associated cost to have the work done. Additionally, if you are one of the lucky ones and can do and have done your own body works what would you have charged somebody else to do the same work?

I can see where you're coming from, but the value of said work varies IMMENSELY depending on the level of rot (does the panel need to be patched or replaced entirely?), the availability of patch parts and new sheetmetal (are you buying a separate parts car or do the junk yards near you have parts car to get metal off of? Does AMD or Rock Auto or any other outfit make the part you need?), the level of detail you want invested (Do you want the new panels brazed in, spot welded, leaded, panel-bonded? Do you mind using more filler or do you want as little filler as possible?), and the general area where you live (are there a lot of body guys around? Are they busy or are they looking for work? Do they do good work, or are you going to pay for it twice like I did?)

There are so many variables associated with body work that assigning cost estimates will be a shot in the dark at best. According to your first post, you do not yet own the car, so you have two options:
1. Read through all of the posts above and take some of our advice (the members posting above have been through this before, and are trying to help you not make the same mistakes we did).
2. Go to a few of your local body shops and ask them for cost estimates. Most of them (if they are true body men) will want to see the car, but perhaps you can explain to them you are looking for realistic cost estimates. Give them the worst case scenario and see what they say.

We're here to help answer your questions, but there's not always a firm answer to be found.

I don't mean to come off rude, I am only trying to explain the responses and why they were offered in the first place.
