gas tank sodering

yea I know how you guys like nipples :jocolor:

but can this same method be used to fix a small hole in a gas tank coronet wagon has a small hole on the gas tank ...looks like something chafed the hole there ...I think from something that was there trailer apparatus or something that is not there anymore......but either way I need to fix it because its a really rare tank unique to wagons and worth trying to save.....but I wasn't sure how to approach the repair

I've used this in the past to patch hard to find tanks.

Used it to seal the drain plug on the bottom of the tank in my D50, which was pouring out gas. I mixed up some of that, crammed it around the leaking plug and forgot about it for years. When I removed that tank, I tried to pull the drain plug to empty the tank. Couldn't get the plug to budge with a 1/2" Drive Ratchet and a 2' Cheater Pipe.