Nice 1971 Dart - Montreal (Mine)

Nice car!

Thank you.

I think I am cursed in selling this car. Worst luck ever. Fours buyers now.

1. Sold to friend. Stored it for him all winter. His wife freaked out in Spring so I took it back
2. Agreed to price with buyer. Buyer showed up with half the money and a trailer. Said he would give me the other half when his car sold! He actually thought I was going to give him the car. Never heard from him again.
3. Put the car on my front lawn. Buyer inspected car several days in a row, negotiated hard price, and said he would take it. Just went to bank to get deposit. Never saw him again.
4. Out of province buyer offered $8K ( for sale for more here locally). I said yes. He said he would arrange transport before months end. Never heard from him again.

Anyone else go through this?