Have the code Nazis hit on your car?

This also highlights the importance of having a close, friendly relationship with your neighbors. On my street there is a mix of all peoples, ages, wealth or lack thereof, original 800 square foot 1930s homes in disrepair and new mcmansions. Everyone knows each other, says hello, and is very live-and-let-live. If anyone had a problem, I can't imagine them going to the county or the police, instead of addressing the matter directly. I can go to work knowing my elderly neighbor next door would shoot anyone who tried to burglarize my house. My other neighbor who is a mechanic at a car dealership can run a side business out of his garage- he makes an effort to keep the sound down. I know that I can bring home an unregistered parts car and park it in front of my house as long for a few months, as I keep it covered when I'm not working on it, etc. A little consideration is all that's needed, and neighbors looking out for each other. There are hundreds of laws, like jaywalking, that we break every day and it's no big deal. My respect for such civil law stems only from the fact that the laws are necessary should someone be unreasonable or things get out of hand, and you need the law for compliance. But if the law is unreasonable it should not be on the books. IMO you should be able to keep a car on your side yard, back yard, or garage, titled/registered or not