A tight situation : balanced, between initial curve,and accelerater pump shot....

You have to differentiate what "setting" and "tuning" are for you. For me setting is adjusting to a specific spot: i.e. 16° initial, 20° centrifical starting at 2100 and all in by 3200. I rarely adjust timing unless I have a problem - then it becomes ajusting to best fit a particular situation. Adjusting - there's no set formula for it. You do what the evidence tells you to. My experience is that if the rest of the combo is matched and tuned well - the timing's good, the float level, idle mix, and power valve are all close, there's not much needed in terms of pump tuning aside from possibly a squirtor size. Accelerator pump is always last for me because it can be a poor substitute for a mismatched power valve or improper timing curve.