NEW THREAD-Why we don't finish........

Captainkirk, it's all about setting realistic goals and expectations, perfect is the enemy of the good. Especially with these old cars, not only are you fighting an uphill battle with factory "crapsmanship", your chasing a unicorn if you think its gonna be Disney channel love story perfect.

Personally even if I could I wouldn't want it, too much stress keeping an eye on it and rubbing it with a diaper. Lame. Cars are meant to be driven, you can't see a small dent, paint chip, or run when it's hauling *** down the road, passing you like your standing still.

And since when should you care what other people think? If you come across a joker ripping on you for your choices, ask them to put up the bucks to make it their idea of what it should be, I bet he/she shuts up real quick.