swapping heads...great article

You guys are a riot!! I can do whatever I want as long as my wife doesn't find out. She's not a motor head so if I say I'm changing my rear end grease (when I'm actually swapping read ends) she doesn't know the difference!! Cash only (no credit card, leaves a trail)
I tell my wife "engine isn't running right" and needs a tune up... so I replace the engine with a stroker while she's at work and tell her I fixed it!!

Life in GOOD!!!

treblig in tex

If I spent enough cash to purchase a new project or to buy all the parts/labor for an engine upgrade at one time the following would happen.

1) Guilt trip for spending money on "stuff" and not the mortgage payment. :violent1:
2) Cold shoulder/ silent treatment because shes so pissed. :angryfir:
3 and most important) No Sex. :wack:

So to summarize, smaller projects with costs spread out overtime + extra cash set aside for planned upgrades = more sex for me. :toothy10:

My wife is pretty savy and understanding. I usually get what I need, i just have to wait sometimes. :thumbup: