/6 198 rods needed badly

Well, the veracity of an an "opinion" comes from the background of the opinion-holder's experience in the subject-matter... If you have a heart problem, do you ask a teenage kid or a cardiologist?

David Reher has, for many years, made his living, building and dyno-testing racing engines, and has that experience from which to form his opinions.
His opinion is based on years and years of solid experience... That's important to me.

I think he's in a better position to have access to more accurate information on the subject than a person who ( like me,) just does this as a hobby... that's all.

Is that faulty reasoning?
I kind of see it as faulty reasoning because you seem to be ignoring the difference between fact and opinion. Here are there definitions as per Merriam Webster:

Opinion: noun- A belief or judgement or way of thinking about something, what someone thinks about a particular thing.

Fact: noun-Something that truly exists or happens, something that has actual existence.

My point is, my opinion doesn't matter. Your opinion doesn't matter. David Reher's opinion doesn't matter. Doug Dutra's opinion doesn't matter (he also agrees long rods build power). Nobodies opinion matter and nobody will ever know for sure until somone builds two identical slants with the only changing X-factors being the rod length, compression height and deck height (to keep compression the same) and then they put them on the same dyno on the same day with the same operator and find out if the numbers differ or not.