Setting up a Duster

#2 the front if you have worn out oem shocks on it let them there.hopefully they are the ones filled with oil? if they are and are really good ones.drill. a hole in the top of them and pull half the oil out of them (top only after pushed all the way down)that's what we called a poor mans 90/10.then put a small short screw or a tack weld on or over the hole.put a little silicone on the treads of the screw and you will have to let it set to get hard or set up.if you have a sway bar unhook one side for now tell you see which way you're going with it.NOW is all this SAFE well I have never had any trouble doing it but then again I wasn't going into turns as hard as it would far as handling I don't think you will see much of a difference in it at normal driving......I'm sure I will get bashed for this..but I have never or will I tell you something that I haven't done or that will get you heart under normal driving conditions................Artie