67 Dart GT trunk finish panel

Can somebody turn me on to person or company that can restore my trunk finish panel to at least driver quality or better that won't cost me the price of the car?

What kind of shape is it in right now?

King of trim in California has done the best ones I've seen, heard of a place in Chicago area that is suppose to be good.

I have a guy that polishes trim and has worked on one that I have but didn't paint and finish. It looks pretty good, but I have one that has been worked on by the guy that painted my car.

He smoothed the whole thing with filler, then painted it putting stripes on it to look like the original. Up close it looks great but not original, from a distance it just looks good.

Still don't have it installed on my car but hope to this winter.

Take some pictures and post so we can see the condition it is in. Have had several over the years and sold all but the one Dennis worked for me and the one tony painted. If there is much damage it will be hard to fix even for a driver and have original look.