1 of 2??? -- Let's Hook 'Em Up!

In getting organized for the busy season around here, it dawned on me that I'm probably not the only one out there in FABOLand who has a single part of something that usually comes in pairs. The purpose of this thread is to get those stray singles together with their mates.

If you want to sell your stray part to someone to complete the pair, or if you're looking for that stray to complete your own set, post them up here!

This thread could get long. To speed searches and keep undue reading to a minimum, use the "Go Advanced" menu tab below the reply box and list the specific "1 of 2" part you have in the title box. Any extra information, comments, photographs, etc., and whether you prefer to purchase its mate or are willing to sell it to someone else can go in the reply area. I'll start it off below ...

Maybe this will help someone get their ride closer to completion.