Camshaft Removal

Changing a camshaft is by no means just a simple part swap. If done incorrectly you will end up with serious engine damage. Don't take this the wrong way, but I highly recommend that you get a little more educated before attempting this.

"How to Rebuild the Big-Block Mopar" by Arvid Svendsen would be a good start. It's available on Amazon and is less than $20. This book will take you through the process of rebuilding an engine from start to finish and includes a lot of great photos. It'll definitely help you get your old cam out and a new one in.

The Svendsen book is a little limited when it comes to degreeing a new cam, measuring pushrods, break-in procedures (extremely important!), etc. For all of that I recommend the excellent articles on the Hughes Engines website. Here are their instructions for installing a cam:


It is well worth your time to read through all of this. Wiped cam lobes are a pain in the *** and often require a complete rebuild. Good luck with your project and if you have any more questions I know that many people on this forum will be happy to help.