My little brother was taken Saturday

Thank you so much uncle Mike for your genuine dedication to honoring my father. You have been the foundation of my strength. I feel so much love and support from you and aunt Treva. I could not ask for a better support system. I love you guys. Maybe I can get on here and figure this a bodies thing out. Thank you for the condolences and prayers. Hope everyone had a blessed day.

O may goodness :occasion: Thank you for joining Micah :love4:
You give me strength each day, you give me love and care as these days move forward :sad7: You are so strong and just like your dad and my little brother very creative and always happy and give happiness in other peoples lives.
you just made your uncle (and know your adoptive father) a tear of happiness to see you have came to see a big part of my life here.
See you for :coffee2: this morning hun, Bless you sweet hart :love7: