Duster race weights?

I had mine at I think 3050( I will get the paper work to be sure with me 347 at the time)in it race ready and street legal with 46.9% rear wt.and still have the paperwork to prove it.If I can ever get to learn how to put a pic. on here!!!:violent1: Artie

LF,752 RF,796 LF, 881 RF,844
LR, 658 RR, 641 LR, 801 RR, 668
Total weight with out driver 2847 Total weight with driver 3194
Rear weight 1469
45.9% 3194-2847= 347
LF, 742 RF, 792
LR, 679 RR, 679 Total with extra battery 2892 I forget the wt. of the extra batt.and I thut it was reten down
Rear weight 1358 46.9%

that's why with my cars I only had to just clean the trash off my tires to be race ready.on a good track now im telling sum secrets.shhh