NEW THREAD-Why we don't finish........

this thread is so representative of all our projects, especially mine...

Just found a Valiant on ebay/craigslist this week (attached) - picking up this friday.

1st step - agreed on price with buyer
2nd step - formed multi paragraph email to the ATC on why this needs to be our 2nd mopar project. The 4-door is a feature for us (possible car seats in our future) - Haggery prices - I bro out everything in the drawer, and loaded all my ammo!

Our first project was her 1st car dad purchased for her in High school. 74 Gold Duster. attached as well.

3rd step - When you have ATC clearance, mine actually let me know of the ATC approval with her time-off-request from her work on Friday to go with me to San Diego with the trailer!

I think I got a keeper.
She also makes all the fancy instagram collages of the car pics.