Brake question

Just installed power drum brakes on my 67 cuda, They work great driving car, but not so good at idle, pulling car in and out of garage etc. Would a brake canister help this or is it something Imust live with.

A better alternative to a cannister would be Rhoades lifters. They bleed down at idle and take out about 15° of duration and .025" of lift at idle. Then "pump up" by 3500 giving you the full lift and duration of your cam. You don't have to change the cam, just throw in the rhoades lifters. They will give you more vacuum at idle, smoother idle, better fuel economy, and bettter performance. They really work, I've been using them for 25 years now and had them in engines that ran over 200,000 miles. You can get a set through Summit Racing for $110.

Here's an article about them: