Powering a 230v air compressor

Typically a bad/weak capacitor causes dimming of lights during startup.

Well, it depends on "how good" the house wiring is, in general. Below is the house I grew up in. The transformer on the street was over near the neighbor's on the opposite side of the county road. According to Google maps, it's nearly 400 ft from there to the house. Power came in overhead to a pole "across the crick" and then over to the house. This was older service, and the MAIN fuse "pull outs" were something on the order of 60 amps, so this was VERY small for nowadays. When the well pump would start, which was about 1 HP, the TV would "dip" a little and if you happened to be payin' attention, you could see the house lights dip.

Back in those days we had no bladder pressure tank, and when the tank would get waterlogged, the pump would "short cycle." That's how you knew to go fiddle with the tank..........you could see the lights or TV goin' nuts

Things got worse when we really went big time and got a dryer. Dad used to go in and ask Mom if she was baking in the oven or using the dryer before using the welder