2014 Scat pack !!

I am glad I wasn't the only one who said "yawn" with this scat pack stuff..again, Chrysler is too late, too little and too expensive..Mustang has it all over them ...and they have a convert. Dollars to chuckles, the 'stang has them beat. And I might add, too bad. What person with kids, mortgage, student loans can pop the money for one of them ?

I hear either Datsun ( new label again for Nissen) or toyota is bringing out a rear wheel drive car in the teens that will be like the old Datsun 510. Just a fun, fling able car that gets great gas millage. ..if they do, I suspect that these will be one in my driveway. Up here, the dart in base is low to mid 20Ks...too much for an econobox..