NEW THREAD-Why we don't finish........

Here's one for ya....Old Man Winter!
He's camping out on my front stoop right now. He hasn't opened up the suitcase and set up shop yet, but we have frost and cold temps at night. Makes working in an unheated garage sort of a *****. So, we put it aside for the winter and get on with life and's summer. And we've missed months of productive time. Sometimes I've even skipped a couple years due to this. Make a 'Winter List' of things you can do inside, or your seats. Re-do that cluster you pulled out. Re-build your wiring harnesses. Go through your distributor, alternator or starter. If it's portable, it's possible! I sincerely believe (for myself at least!) this is one of the biggest project-killers there is...forced down-time! Don't get suckered in. Make out your winter list and keep on truckin''ll thank me come spring!